To be ready for the next upgrade, we want to do the following: 

  1. Advanced Find.  Users > Enabled Users and Disabled Users.  Shockingly, the 'status' field is not available for display, only as a filter.  Confirmed this with Ellucian Support and asked for an enhancement.  Export the results.
  2. Go to Data Management>Duplicate Detection Rules.  By default, you see all Duplicate Detection Rules.  Export the results.
  3. Advanced Find.  Processes > Activated Processes.  Export the results.
  4. Advanced Find. Workflow Schedule Jobs > Active Workflow Schedule Jobs.  Export the results.
  5. Go to Settings > Constituent Experience.  MMA has one site.  Click on it.  Unfortunately there is no way to download the details about the site.  Taking screenshots seems to be the best option here.
  6. If we have any custom solutions in TEST, that are not already in PROD, we will want to export them, so they are not lost when TEST is refreshed as part of the upgrade.  Go to Settings > Solutions.  Select the Solutions and then Export.  The files will be in your downloads folder.
  7. Following the upgrade, go through steps 1-5 again and compare the new results to those from before the upgrade.  Activate or Publish as needed.
  8. Import the custom solutions, exported in step 6.   Settings > Solutions. And select Import, to import the previously exported files back to TEST.
  9. Go to Settings > Workflow Scheduler.  Look for any recurring jobs that may have been impacted by the upgrade.  They are in a status that is not, 'not running' or 'OK'.   To get the job unstuck, edit it and update the start date to the current date.  This is also a good time to 

For this upgrade, I did some post upgrade analysis. See below. The checklist is generic and was provided by Ferrilli.

Post Steps

 Remind users they may need to clear their cache following the change

 Compare list of Published Duplicate Detection Jobs to the system and confirm no custom

duplicate detection rules turned off. Publish rules if needed.

o Note this may require unpublishing new Ellucian rules due to the 5 rules per entity max.  CB:  there is only 1 unpublished duplicate detection job and it was last modified in 2019.

 Compare list of Activated Workflows to the system and confirm no custom unmanaged

workflows turned off. Active custom workflows if needed.  CB:  These appear to be fine.

 Review new Workflow Scheduler Jobs

o Compare list of Activated Workflow Scheduler Jobs to the system

o You can remove any one-time jobs added by Ellucian for the upgrade that have

completed. This will limit your list to active jobs for ease of monitoring.

o Recycle the jobs by updating the start date and setting them to run again.

o Note: there may be new jobs based on new entities and processes. This should have

been in the information. These should not be removed.  CB:  Looked at scheduled jobs and saw that 1 needed to be recycled.  Updated the start date and the corrected the issue. 

 Compare list of enabled users

o Ellucian may have added users for the upgrade. Pending available license, you may wish

to deactivate these following the upgrade.  CB:  No users have a July 5-6 created on date.

o Ensure no users were deactivated that are needed.  CB:  The inactive users that have a modified date of 7/5-6, are not active users of Recruit.

 Compare list of any custom additions to real time configurations

o If any are missing add them back in.

 Compare list of any other areas based on the information.

 Complete any other post steps per the information.

 Import solutions into TEST, if missing.  CB:  Any solutions that Dixie has created, had already been moved to PROD, so they are back in TEST.  With the refresh of TEST I lost the changes I made to support graduate students.  I have them documented, so it won't take long to put them back.

 For TEST upgrades, complete identified testing and report any issues to Ellucian.

 For PROD upgrades, send a single test email from SparkPost to confirm function.  CB:  Sent test message.  Delivered as expected.