The SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric OSCQR:
Modified on: Fri, Sep 2, 2022 3:40 PM
The SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric OSCQR
To help campuses ensure that their online courses are learner centered and well designed, a team of SUNY staff and campus stakeholders has designed the OSCQR rubric, a customizable and flexible tool for online course quality review.
The OSCQR rubric specifically targets online course design. The OSCQR rubric is unique and differs from other online course quality rubrics in several ways. It is not restricted to mature online courses. The rubric can be used formatively with new online faculty to help guide, inform, and influence the design of their new online courses, and, it is non-evaluative.
Conceptually, the rubric and the online course review and refresh process are implemented as a professional development exercise designed to guide online faculty to use research-based effective practices and standards to improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of their online course design, rather than as an online course evaluation, or quality assurance procedure.
The OSCQR Rubric, Dashboard, and Process are made available by the Online Learning Consortium, Inc. (OLC - under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC By 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit The OSCQR Rubric, Dashboard, and Process were originally developed by the State University of New York, through SUNY Online, Online Teaching ( SUNY Online and its logo are registered trademarks of the State University of New York
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