Setting up Test Availability Exceptions

Test Availability exceptions allow instructors to make special exceptions to the time limit or test availability for students who need additional time, or need to take a makeup exam.  This process replaces the need to create a duplicate exam and use Adaptive Release to release the exam to students.  

Blackboard additional help:

Accessing the Test Options:

Image showing a test with an arrow pointing to the expand contextual menu button located next to the test name, with instructions to click the button next to the test.  In the menu, Edit the Test Options is outlined with a red circle with text instructing users to select edit the test options.

To access the test options, locate the exam you would like to add exceptions for.  Hover over the name of the test, and click the chevron button that appears next to the test and select Edit the Test Options from the menu that appears.

Setting up Test Availability Exceptions

Image of Section 3: Test Availability Exceptions with the Add User or Group button highlighted, with instructions to click on Add User or Group

Scroll down to Test Availability Exceptions and click the Add User or Group button.

    Selecting Users

You will now see a screen labeled Add User or Group, which lists all the of users and groups in your course.  To add users or groups, check the boxes next to the names of the users you wish to create exceptions for.  When finished, click the Submit button

Applying Exceptions

The students selected in the previous step will now be listed under Test Availability Exceptions

  1. Name: The student's name will appear here.
  2. Attempts: Select the number of attempts allowed for the student
  3. Timer: Enter the time limit in minutes allowed for the selected student, and check Auto Submit to have the test submit automatically.
  4. Availability: Click on the calendar icon to specify the availability of the exam for the student if the student would be taking the exam at a different time than the rest of the class.
  5. Force Completion: Click here to enable or disable force completion for the user (not recommended)
  6. Click the X button to delete the student from the list of exceptions

When finished, scroll down to the bottom and click the Submit button.